Posted: September 17th, 2017

The effects of one or two common forms of current electronic communication and interaction on social behavior and psychological development


You will then write a paper in which you incorporate your own analysis with information and analysis derived from research:
Write a paper in which you investigate the effects of one or two common forms of current electronic communication and interaction on social behavior and psychological development. These can include text messaging, blogging, online social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc), role player gaming, etc. The goal of this analysis should not be to merely describe these forms of communication. Instead, you should seek to develop an analysis as to how they influence the way we think and interact in ways that go beyond that which is easily observed.
First of all, let me clear up potential confusion: your research paper cannot be about anything. You have a specific assignment.
This essay is the research essay, where you MUST use outside sources and you must use them correctly.
Now you could spend your whole life researching any subject and never be done. It’s a marvelous situation–but also difficult.
How do you evaluate a source? You should look at who wrote it. Do they have expertise? How do you know? Just because someone says they’re an expert doesn’t mean they are. Do they have degrees in the subject? Advanced degrees? Have they studied with other experts? How long have they been researching the subject?
Look at the books and articles a person has written. Look at the lectures they’ve given. Anyone can post a YouTube video but not everyone is invited to give a TED talk. Anyone can post on their own website–but not everyone has a book published.
Evaluate the publishers. There’s a difference between what big name publishers put out and self-publishing.
Evaluate the source itself. Is it a broad overview or a deep analysis? Works like Wikipedia articles and other types of encyclopedias are broad. Study guides like Spark Notes are broad. For a college paper, you want more sources that give you deep analysis than the ones that give a broad overview.
In the end, you’re looking for sources you can use, because they agree with your ideas and give you important support or because they provide an interesting contrast.
Just be sure to document correctly–give all the outside sources credit both within the text of your writing (in-text citations) and on a Works Cited page. As you research, keep careful notes about what ideas come from which sources
Read and research with a specific goal in mind: do scholars and experts see the same things you do? Do they connect in the same ways you do? When you find that they do, you can use those quotes to support your own ideas. And even if they don’t, you can use the differences to show contrast, which is interesting too.


You are required to utilize at least 5 quality research sources, cited properly via MLA Format. You are highly encouraged to avoid partisan or clearly biased sources. Instead, seek sources that provide thorough, probing, and intellectually honest analysis.

You are highly encouraged to seek out high-quality books or articles from the Academic Databases, as these will provide the best level of information. Make sure that all of your online sources (from the general internet via Google searches, etc) meet the requirements as indicated in the lesson on “Determining the Legitimacy of Online Sources.”

If you do not engage in a sufficient amount of quality research, your paper will lack the intellectual depth to achieve the level of composition and critical thinking necessary for this assignment. Thus it is important to not only seek out excellent sources, but also to give yourself the time necessary to find them, read them, and decide on how to respond to these sources. Quality writing and thinking always begins with a quality

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