Posted: September 13th, 2017

the future of financial manager

the future of financial manager

Project description
1. What is the demand for this job in the upcoming years? (Are this statistics, graphs, charts, that you could be using in your paper? what kind of percentage of

growth or decline is anticipated in the next 10 years or so?)
2. what impact will future developments in technology have on your job field?
3. How in general will your career choice be changing? (will more people be doing this from home? will there be a greater demand? will there be fewer for some reason?)

of course, for either growth or decline, it would be good to perhaps ponder why that is.

That is a good section to include charts or graphs that you might find online. the important thing is to make them readable and user friendly. Do not just simply copy

and paste an entire graph into your paper. Take only the parts that are really important to your research. That may require you to do some chart-making on your own.

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