Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Gentleman from Cracow

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



analyze in depth evolution of Rabbi Ozer, analyze his changing in the story ?

my professor knows the story, so don’t have to summarize anything for him just start and talk about the one part u think its important about his personalty and try to analyze it.

you have to talk in your own word about one part that u want to write about it.

if you will quote anything from the story that u will read, just write the first two word from the quote and then three (…) and the last two word for example (He wants … the park” (page.12 M) and u have to write if this quote from the middle or top or bottom of the page.

I don’t want any outside sources for this paper.

I want full 8 pages.

no outside sources please, its a short story and it has to be analyzed.

the name of the story is The Gentleman from Cracow page 15,
the name of the book is the collected stories.

i will attach a picture of it.

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