Posted: December 4th, 2013

the global oil industry

Your final essay must meet all of these standards to pass:

1. four to six typed pages (approx. 1,000 to 1,500 words);

2. contain a bibliography at the end, which contains at least ten sources, none of them wikipedia entries;

3. the entire paper and bibliography must be in strictly MLA format, including spacing and indenting conventions;

4. must quote from a minimum of four of the essays we read throughout this quarter, and these quotes must be relevant and used as evidence to support your argument;

5. must state a clear thesis—which is a conclusion of your argument in that it states your position on your issue/topic—in the introduction

6. must use a variety of types of reasons for supporting your conclusion/thesis, including statistics, research findings, case examples, and authoritative sources; you may also use personal experience and testimony, but those cannot be your only evidence;

7. must conclude with a prescriptive assumption—that is, a closing statement about how the world MUST be in the future.

Within these topics are enormous possibilities. You must choose a specific argument to make. You can choose ANY topic that appeals to you—but it must relate to these subject areas.

3. Are electric cars a good solution to oil consumption in the United States?
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