Posted: September 13th, 2017

The history of medicine has been an interesting work in progress. Medicine is not always an exact science though with the help of technology it is becoming increasingly so. In the 1700’s and 1800's, medicine in the United States often relied on spiritual h

The history of medicine has been an interesting work in progress. Medicine is not always an exact science though with the help of technology it is becoming increasingly so. In the 1700’s and 1800’s, medicine in the United States often relied on spiritual h

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The history of medicine has been an interesting work in progress. Medicine is not always an exact science though with the help of technology it is becoming increasingly so. In the 1700’s and 1800’s, medicine in the United States often relied on spiritual healing, herbs, and outdated ideas. In 1895, the x-ray was invented. This changed the course of medicine because doctors could get a better picture of the condition of the body.

For this paper, please research the evolution of technology in medicine. You may want to watch the below video on Artemis, a new technology that enables a doctor to see a 3-D image of a person’s organ, helping them to operate more effectively. Or you can choose your own medical technology to research. Then write in response to one or more of the questions below the video link.

Define the implications of the new technology you researched? What does it mean for medicine, patients, and your career field?

What is the responsibility of a professional in your field to stay current with developing technology?

How do challenges like monetary costs impact you personally and your field generally?

Compare the computing industry to the health care industry and describe how they can work together to continue to improve medicine; using examples, explain your position on why you think that is the case.

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