Posted: April 17th, 2015

The Impact of Background Music on Average Time Spending on Websites




Dissertation’s topic & questions:


Topic : *The Impact of Background Music on Average Time Spending on Websites *



Main question: “What impact does background music has on the average time spent by internet users on websites?”

Sub questions:

  • How do the different aspects of music – texture (melody, harmony, rhythm) and time – impact the time spent by internet users on websites?
  • How does background music impact internet speed and performance?
  • Does the impact of background music on internet speed and performance affect the time spent on the net by users?
  • In what ways can website developers ensure that background music attracts more users and that user’s increase the time they spend online?



Dissertation’s rules:


  • a careful selection of a relevant problem or issue:
  • a clear definition of the problems/issues to be researched/investigated:
  • a clear statement of the Research Question, aim(s)/objectives
  • specification of the data required to meet the aim(s)/objectives
  • a discussion of the relationship of this dissertation to the related work being undertaken by others in related areas
  • an explanation and justification of the research method adopted
  • a consistent and careful implementation of the adopted method
  • a systematic, objective and efficient analysis of the collected data


  • the drawing of relevant conclusions, which can be supported by the data
  • a set of recommendations, which follow from the conclusions
  • a discussion on the value of the results and the theoretical frame(s) of reference used


  • Student has to engage and APPLY IDEAS, not just describe them!




Dissertation Structure:


The Dissertation should generally take on the following structure:



The title of the dissertation should describe the content accurately.


Title Page

The title page should include the following information:

  • The full title of the dissertation
  • The full name of the student (author) and student’s registration number
  • The qualification for which the dissertation is submitted
  • The name of the institution where the dissertation is be submitted
  • The month and year of submission



Contents Page

The table of contents would follow immediately after the title page.

It should list in sequence, with page numbers, all relevant sub-divisions of the Dissertation. This includes: the title of the chapters; their sections and sub-sections as appropriate; the list of abbreviations (if needed); and other functional parts of the whole Dissertation, such as the Bibliography and Appendices.

List of Tables/ Figures

The list of tables and figures should follow the Table of Contents and should list all tables, photographs, diagrams, charts etc., in the order in which they appear in the Dissertation.


Any acknowledgements should be on the pages following the table of contents and list of tables and illustrations.


There will be an abstract of the Dissertation, not exceeding 300 words and should not extend beyond a single A4 page, inserted at the beginning of the Dissertation. The abstract provides a synopsis or summary of the Dissertation and should concisely inform the reader of the Dissertation topic, clearly indicating the nature and scope of the research undertaken and the contribution made to the knowledge of the topic researched or investigated.


1 Introduction

The content of this chapter should include, for example:

  • Background of the problem or definition of the problem(s)
  • Why you are interested in the topic/subject area and what you intend to achieve (aim & objectives or the hypothesis to be tested, etc).
  • Approach to the dissertation (how you intend to achieve the objectives you have set for yourself).
  • The organisation of the dissertation e.g. “Chapter Two will examine ……”
  • The scope and limitations of the research – what is included / not included and why.
  • What would be the major contributions of the study (linked to your aim/objectives/hypothesis).


(Note: The above bullet points may be sub-headings – 1.1; 1.2; etc)


2 Literature Review

You need to be able to justify/highlight why you have included each of the topics, theories, concepts, models etc – their relevance to the aims/objectives of the study. For example, it may explain the inconclusive evidence of the various sources. You may have more than one chapter on Literature Review as stand-alone chapter(s).


3 Research Methodology and Methods

This chapter should reflect the underlying assumption(s) about your research methodology. You are expected to discuss the research method(s) used – the strengths and weaknesses as applied to your dissertation, and the activities to be carried out.

For example: research strategy and design, sample and sample size, and the justification of the chosen methods. You will need the literature on research methodology/methods to support your discussions.

4 Data Analysis/Findings

The aim of this chapter may be to simply present and illustrate the findings reasonably descriptively without trying too hard to draw general conclusions. There can be different sections, each addressing the aims/objectives of the Dissertation


5 Discussion

This chapter will allow you to review your work and interpret your results, to discuss the implications of your findings.  A discussion is a commentary, not a reiteration, of your results. Refer back to your research questions and literature review and discuss how your research has contributed to the area.  Demonstrate awareness of the limitations of your research; be critically evaluative of your own work.  A good discussion is structured, comprehensive and concise.

6 Conclusions / Recommendations

The chapter should try to draw general conclusions by summarising your findings, pointing out the ways in which these particular findings illuminate/explore/explain/clarify/etc the general issues and/or concepts raised in the literature review section of the research. This chapter should be reflective, critical, coherent and analytical, and integrate the theories and concepts. It should include recommendations for your future work.


This is needs to be presented in alphabetical order of researcher surname, and follow the formatting structure of Harvard Referencing.

This can include instruments such as questionnaires, structured / semi-structured interview questions, interview transcripts, etc. It should not include an over-spill of content from the main body of the dissertation.

The Dissertation word count is 17,000 words from Introduction to Conclusion.

Reflection guidance word count is between 700 and 1000 words.




Margins Left: 2.54 cm; Right: 2.54 cm; Top and Bottom: 2.54 cm.

Applies to all material except page numbers.

Includes figures, headers/footers, footnotes and endnotes, and full-page images.

Page numbers: at least 1.9 cm from edge of page.


Fonts Embedded fonts required.

Font size: 10, 11 or 12pt.

Italicised font may be used for non-English words and quotations. Applies to all text including captions, footnotes/endnotes, citations, etc.


Line spacing 1.5 or double lines: abstract, dedication, acknowledgements, table of contents, and body of manuscript, except for quotations as paragraphs, captions, items in tables, lists, graphs, charts.

Single-space: footnotes/endnotes, bibliographic entries, lists in appendices.











Important notes below.










  1. Basically, I already give you the topic and the questions (above). I also forward you the surveys, filled out by organizations which had or have music background on their websites and can testimony about the average time spending of visitors on their websites.


These surveys are NOT meant to be in the Literature Review as I had to carry out myself. Results of those will help you to write from the Research Methodology part and then analyze the data; debate with the findings of the Literature Review etc. Just follow the dissertation structure.


Please find attached in PDF results of the survey to build the dissertation around.


Also, here is a quick preview below:


  • : Singer for weddings
  • www:// : Stock videos services
  • www:// : Music production services
  • www:// : Day care services for mentally disabled people
  • www:// : Online marketing agency
  • www:// : Custom jewelry online shop
  • www:// : Jewelry online shop
  • : Christian Publishing Company
  • www:// : Radio Ads Production
  • www:// : Marketing consultancy




  1. Please find also attached the Reflections on Learning guidance.




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