Posted: September 16th, 2017

The Impact of Job Design on Motivation of Employees.

Job design can be defined as controlling the content and processes of a job to increase an employee’s satisfaction, motivation and productivity (Knapp and Mujtaba 2010). Because a well designed job brings motivation and satisfaction to the employees and they perform well by employing all their energies in the work. Therefore, It has been one of the most effective tools to used for optimizing an employee’s satisfaction and performance (Zareen et al.).

Motivated employees are critical for organizations to survive (Smith, 1994). This is because employees are the most central part of factor that how the company can achieve the goals and objectives. Furthermore, motivated employees indirectly drive an organization’s effort and invariably play an important role in an organization’s success. Such employees bear more pain for their work, they enjoy their work and stay extra hours willingly. They consider work as virtue for them and a part of their lives (Rabinowitz and Hall 1977). They feel that they are getting what they want from their jobs and fulfill their duties as ethical responsibility. In essence, for any organization to record any degree of meaningful success in the pursuit of its goals and aspirations, it must have the ability to create values, which is motivation, enough to compensate for the burden imposed upon employees. Such value or motivators can come in the form of good training, facilities or incentives such as fringe benefits, promotions, status symbols etc, to satisfy the needs of the employees for enhanced performance (Adi, 2000).

Extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from outside an individual in form of rewards, promotion, coercion or punishment. From an extrinsic motivational perspective, individual behaviour is driven by its perceived values and the benefits of the action. The fundamental goals of extrinsically motivated behaviours are to receive organizational rewards or reciprocal benefits (Kowal and Fortier 1999). For example, money is believed to be the supreme or panacea in employee motivation (Sara 2004 and Taylor 1911). Contrary to this view, money is not the only motivator in a work place(Luthan, 1998 and Herzberg, 1987).

However, other factors can trigger employee motivation apart from money, some of which are including security, good working relationship, appreciation, engagement and opportunity for growth and developments etc. And that could be so called as intrinsic motivation (Abbah 2014). It is what causes the performers to give the maximum possible in their works for the simple satisfaction of a job well done, or self-efficacy and competence, the job or working position occupied by them being constituent of a set of tasks that they must perform (Tanpu, 2015). When managers define the tasks of performers, from which they obtain intrinsic rewards, they must take account of factors likely to motivate these performers (Herzberg, 1988).

This study aims to highlights the relationship of job design and employee motivation to provide insight into the concept of job design and how optimizing work design that can be utilized to influence employee motivation.

For Chinese mid-sized manufacturing industries, take those three firms that the author investigated as examples, employee turnover has been a significant drawback and it has increased gradually in this couple of years. One of the reason for this high turnover rate is the high level of job dissatisfaction and poor motivational policies within white-collar employees. Those problems are caused by issues such as uncomfortable working environment, lower salary scales and poor job design. Thus, the high turnover rate seen in the industry is a growing cause for concern.

The general objective of this study is to explores whether there is a relationship between job design and employee motivation in Chinese manufacturing industries for white-collar employees.

1.3.2. Specific objectives
There are five specific objective which to specialized the general objectives.
1. Identify the relationship between the way a job was designed and how it control motivation
among employees.
2. To access the impact of job design on motivation of employees.
3. Determine if motivation influences job design.
4. Establish the relationship between job design and employee motivation in the middle-sized of manufacturing industries in China.
5 Give some recommendations about how job design sets and changes can improve the effectiveness of employee motivation in the three manufacturing firms.

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