Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Importance of Sex Education in Schools

the follwing insruction is attached

• Your thesis statement is a claim neither a fact nor an opinion.
• Your three points support your claim.
• Each point has a least one example to illustrate.
• Your essay is not full of opinions.

Proper Heading
Name, Date, Period on the Top Left
Title of paper centered and underlined
Mathew Schmidt

Title of My Paper

1 – 3 pages typed
Times New Roman Font
1” Margins
Indented Paragraphs

Essay Structure
5 paragraphs each, including 5 to 10 sentences.
Essay will include
Introduction paragraph
1st point paragraph
2nd point paragraph
3rd point paragraph
Conclusion Paragraph
Paragraphs will include
Topic sentence
Supporting details/ examples/ evidence
Concluding sentence

• Correct spelling
• Subject/verb agreement
• Correct punctuation
• If including quotes make sure to use quotation marks and commas correctly. Example: According to Mr. Schmidt, “blah blah, blah
Absolutely no slang

Variety of Techniques
Use at least 2 of the 4 below
*Logic (common sense or intellectual argument)
*Emotion (stories or metaphors)
*Big Names (quotes from stories about famous people)
*Research (studies done about you topic)

Thank you for your interest in our services. We can definitely help you with your homework. The price will depend though on the deadline, the quality level you prefer and other several factors. So we can help you with this!


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