Posted: September 13th, 2017

The influence of sexism on american literature in the 20th century

The influence of sexism on american literature in the 20th century

The paper should treat in details a comparative topic. The research paper should focus on Ernest Hemingway’s text “Indian Camp” and Cormac McCarthy ” The Road” and the way sexism influenced their writings(DO NOT GIVE PLOT SUMMARIES OF THE STORIES). State how they both relate to one another, and prove that they both deny the equality of men and women in their writing.(For example, they both dont have female protagonist in those stories, the only female who has a role endures pain from begining untill the end of the novel)

Quotes and other references such as books, online articles should be added(10 of them). Explain how sexism bled into the American literature and influence it during the entire 20th century. Define Sexism and give an overview of the role of women compared to mens during that century.

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