Posted: September 16th, 2017

The Learning Influence of Addiction

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) maintains strong empirical and scientific evidence of efficacy for treatment of addiction. CBT is a form of psychotherapeutic treatment that looks at how the client’s thoughts impact his or her feelings and behaviors. While the etiology of addictions is often regarded as a biological process, it can also be understood as a learned behavior from a CBT perspective. Using the concepts of classical conditioning, operant conditioning and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, discuss the development of a substance related disorder. Then discuss why it is beneficial for addictions counselors to conceptualize the client in this manner. How can this perspective influence possible treatment recommendations? You are to use at least two current (not more than 5 years old) peer reviewed journal articles in support of your project.
Grading Criteria Unit 3 Project: The Learning Influence of Addiction % – Points Points Earned
Course Content
Clear discussion and application of the components listed below in relation to the development of a substance related disorder.
Clearly and succinctly described classical conditioning and applied the concept correctly to the development of a substance related disorder.
0 -20
Clearly and succinctly described operant conditioning and applied the concept correctly to the development of a substance related disorder.
0 – 20

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