Posted: September 16th, 2017

The Making of a Steel Drum

The Making of a Steel Drum

1)   Youtube is very unique in bringing to light old videos, sometimes including      people who became very famous after their making. Research the steel drum and

write 10 sentences on what you think of the sound and what you now know that you did not know before.

Hifumi Hachi Gaeshi played on the shakuhachi

1)   After listening to this instrument why do you think it was included in this chapter.
2)   Discuss other instruments important traditional Japanese Music.
3)   What do you think of the video below?
This is an interesting short video on how to play the shakuhachi

Simon Shaheen on the Ud, often spelled oud.

1)   Research this instrument and write a description of it and how it is made.
2)   Discuss the different timbres that can be achieved on the Ud.
3)   Explain how the Ud resembles other instruments that you may be more familiar with.

Benedicamus Domino, Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant is incredibly beautiful music. Do some listening and find 3 more chants that you would recommend to a friend who wanted to know more about it.

Bach, Little Fugue in g minor

Bach is one of many famous Baroque composers. Research and find the names of 5 other famous Baroque Composes and cite at least one URL for each.

Four Seasons, Vivaldi, first movement

Spring is one of Four movements of this piece by Antonio Vivaldi. Find a video of the other three seasons, list the URL, and write 2-3 sentence about your impression

of each.


1)   What does SFUPB stand for, where are they from and why is that significant?
2)   Research how the sound is made on the bagpipe and write 4 sentences about your understanding of the sound production.
3)   Have you ever heard them before now? Where and when?

If your were to trace Western Music History from ancient times you would most certainly listen to the music of Guillaume Dufay (1400-1474). Below is a well-known piece

of his mentioned on the bottom of page 201 of your text. As you listen to it observe that the music notation is not like our notation today or that you find on your

card. Describe some of the differences in 4-5 sentences. Now that your have heard this music, search youtube for 2 more pieces by Dufay, list the URL’s and give 3- 4

sentence comments.
Guillaume Dufay – Nuper rosarum flores
You have undoubtedly heard the sound of the Mbira, sometimes referred to as the thumb piano. This video is interesting because the person actually breaks down how to

play the famous song discussed in your text, “Chemutengure” Listen and watch him and discuss your understanding of the sections he is talking about. There is not a

drone but the repetition has a drone effect. Do you agree? Comment. Makes me want to get one and start practicing. What about you? Find 2 URL’s with Mbira music that

you enjoy and list them with commentary.
Mbira tutorial


Below are two very different versions of the same song. Please write 7-8 sentences this time on your REACTION  to the two versions. Describe them and then explain

which one you prefer and why.

There is an amazing amount of music that uses the Blues Form as it’s structural basis. Watch this informative video about two of the early and most famous Blues

performers, James P. Johnson and Bessie Smith.
A bit of history regarding the song comes from Wikipedia:

The song “Backwater Blues” is a blues and jazz standard. It was written by Bessie Smith, and recorded (under the title “Back-water Blues”) by her (vocals) and Jimmy

Johnson (piano)[James P. Johnson] on February 17, 1927.[1]
The song has long been associated with the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. However, that flood was at its worst some two months after the song was written. Study of

Smith’s touring itinerary, of testimony of fellow entertainers who toured with her, and of contemporary reports indicates that the song was written in response to the

flood which struck Nashville, Tennessee on Christmas Day 1926. The Cumberland River, which flows through the city, rose 56 feet (17 m) above its normal level, still a

record as of 2014.[2]
After you have watched this video, find another youtube version of Backwater Blues and list the URL, then compare them with 4 sentences.

Miles Davis, arguably the most famous jazz trumpeter in music history, was also known for fostering young musical talent. This recording of All Blues is a very

different yet similar in form to the blues you just explored. The picture you look at as you are listening to All Blues is of Miles and three very famous other jazz

musicians, John Coltrane, Cannonball Adderley, and Bill Evans. After you listen to it search youtube for a blues by one of the three of them and list it here and

discuss the two pieces with 3-5 sentences.

Please do a google search on Igor Stravinsky and discuss in a few sentences the three countries in which he primarily lived and why.
As you listen to the piece, list the instruments that are playing. Pretty hard to tap you foot to it. Why do you think that is the case? I particularly like this

piece. What do you think? You can be honest.

Stephen Leek is also discussed in the book and his piece Kondalilla is discussed. Find out where this name came from, it will be easy with some research, and then

listen to the piece. The book refers to improvisation in the third movement. I have given you a recording of the entire piece since it is only 4:31 long. Where does

the third movement begin and what is the part that is improvised and what are they doing?

Throughout the book Buddhadev Das Gupta is mentioned. You can find his biography with google research and you can find many recordings he has done.
He is still alive today and the video below is a short interview with him that was posted just a few months ago. Though I do not know when the actual interview was

completed, it does seem to be contemporary. What do you think about fusion and what he is saying. I particularly like when he says that he has not played that specific

instrument in a long time. True professionals are often very modest.

Staying up with modern technology is almost impossible and as soon as you put information into print it essentially is outdated. So, as you read this chapter I

encourage you to take the statements into consideration with a bit of a historical context.
I think you would enjoy some of the music of John Cage. When I was a college student at UC Davis, I studied with him and he had an extraordinary view of music. Below

are just a few of his pieces, some electronic, some for instruments, and for fun I invite you to research maybe one of his most famous pieces, 4:33. 4:33 is the title

of the piece. Please comment on you impressions of John Cage.

Sonatas for Prepared Piano
While at Davis, a good friend of mine performed these pieces on a piano prepared just as Cage gives the instructions. The notation is fairly straightforward but with

all the stuff attached to the strings inside the piano you get these wild sounds.

It is fun to watch this very old Black and White TV show “I’ve Got a Secret”
It was very early for this kind of experimental music but the sounds are very cool.
Comment if you have time.

Prelude for Meditation


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