Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Marketing Mix: Promotion

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Write a 3 page paper in which you respond to the following case question:

Select TWO products from the list of product categories below and using the teaching materials and any additional research explain what you think would be an appropriate promotions strategy for both them.

In doing so compare and contrast the two promotions strategies explaining why you think they would be similar or different.

Select TWO products from the following product categories:





Illustrate your answer by referring to specific brands within each of the two product categories you have chosen.

Assignment Expectations

In answering this question aim to demonstrate your learning not from the background readings and any good quality sources you can find. Cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.

The following will be assessed: 

•Your demonstrated understanding of the marketing concepts central to the case question.
•Your demonstrated understanding of factors related to the development of an effective promotions strategy through the analysis you conduct in the context of the case.

In particular one of your required readings on developing a promotional strategy at the website indicates that the following four factors are fundamental to the development of a promotions strategy:

1.Segmentation – dividing the marketing into distinct groups
2.Targeting – deciding which of these groups to communicate with, and how to talk to them
3.Positioning – determining how you would like the product or brand to be perceived by the target groups
4.Messaging – delivering a specific message in order to influence the target groups

and thus it is expected that you will demonstrate your understanding of these concepts and their relationship to the development of a promotions strategy in the context of your assignment

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