Posted: September 13th, 2017

'The maxim res perit domino, as enshrined in s. 20(1), Sale of Goods Act 1979, provides the legal framework for the passing of property and risk in contracts for the sale of goods governed by English law.'Critically discuss.

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


The paper is on the passing of risk in commercial law in the UK, governed by the Sale of Goods act.
the paper has to be 3000 words including footnotes.
all sources have to be referenced using OSCOLA (OXFORD STANDARD FOR CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITIES).
I would like at least 10 sources, including cases please.
these sources should be included: ‘Risk in the law of sale’ by Sealy, and ‘Goode on commercial law’ edited by Ewan McKendrick
the cases cited should include: Sterns v Vickers, Head v Tattersall.
The paper should contain a lot of critical discussions with regards to the law on the passing of risk, not just statements of the law.

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