Posted: December 6th, 2014

“The most striking fact about political participation in liberal democracies is how little there is”. Discuss.

Order Description

“The most striking fact about political participation in liberal democracies is how little there is”. Discuss.

It should be around 2000 words long and must include references to the sources from which you draw facts, quotations and arguments. It should also have a bibliography

of works consulted.

You are allowed a margin of 10% on your word count so your essay should not be more than 2200 words including quotations and footnotes/references (but not the


We recommend the use of bracketed (“Harvard”) references in the text as this is very economical. A typical reference would look like this: (Smith 2004:10) where Smith

is the author, 2004 the date of publication and 10 the page number. Full details of the work can then be given in the bibliography.

Degree: Politics and International relations

The most striking fact about political participation in liberal democracies is how little there is”. Discuss. It should be around 2000 words long and must include

references to the sources from which you draw facts, quotations and arguments. It should also have a bibliography of works consulted. You are allowed a margin of 10%

on your word count so your essay should not be more than 2200 words including quotations and footnotes/references (but not the bibliography). We recommend the use of

bracketed (“Harvard”) references in the text as this is very economical. A typical reference would look like this: (Smith 2004:10) where Smith is the author, 2004 the

date of publication and 10 the page number. Full details of the work can then be given in the bibliography. Degree: Politics and International relations


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