Posted: March 10th, 2015

The Need for Information security Management for smaill to Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs).

The Need for Information security Management for smaill to Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs).

Your essay should generally explore each ofthe topics listed below and describe and discuss issues relating to the introduction and implementation ofinformation security regimes in small to medium enterprises (SMEs) against implementation in much larger organisations.

Focus on SMEs needs more than large organisations.

Topics that must be strictly included:

Justifying the need for sound information security management in SMEs lncident response management and disaster recovery Mobile device security management Linking business objectives with security

Biometric security devices and their use Ethical issues in information security management

Security training and education

Defending against lnternet-based attacks

lndustrial espionage and business intelligence gathering

Governance issues in information security management

Personnel issues in Information security

Physical security issues in Information security

Cyber forensic incident response

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