Posted: August 8th, 2013

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

Paper instructions:
How does the legal system work to impact African Americans in the “war on drugs”?
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Essay #3:  Question Paper

Reading:  Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow
​The House I Live In, dir. Eugene Jarecki (optional)

Assignment Overview:
In this essay, you will develop a question based on the issues we’ve discussed from Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow.  Your essay, then, will be about answering and exploring your question.  In a question paper, the thesis statement is delayed until the end; after all, you can’t really answer a good question until you’ve explored the possibilities.

State your question in a one-sentence opening paragraph.  Use the body of the essay to try to answer your question.  By the end of the essay, you should be close to achieving an answer.

Some things to consider:
 Start with a good question – one that digs into the reading and issues of race, mass incarceration, implicit vs. explicit bias, racial caste system, etc.

 Feel free to ask a question you cannot complete answer.  The intellectual investigation is the point of the essay – not a “right” answer.

Essay criteria:
 1000-1500 words (4-6 pages)

 paragraphs that contain vigorous topic sentences that link back to the question, concrete support for topic sentences, interpretation of support, closure sentence

 support that includes information from at least 3 chapters of The New Jim Crow

 transitions between paragraphs

 a conclusion that answers the question and points out the implications of that answer

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