Posted: September 17th, 2017

The organizational Shift of teaching methodology and pedagogy to web-based e-learning through executive leadership in relation to sense making (Framing).

The organizational Shift of teaching methodology and pedagogy to web-based e-learning through executive leadership in relation to sense making (Framing).

conduct a deep dive into the topic within competency area for executive leadership in relation to sensemaking Framing. The articles should draw from both theoretical and topical literature to develop a deeper understanding of the practice of executive leadership grounded in scholarly literature.

The purpose of this assignment is to take a deep dive into research on a focused topic of interest to you, to situate the research in the current literature on executive leadership, to develop a specialization within the study of ‘leadership in context’, and assess opportunities to contribute to your scholar-practitioners’ stewardship of leadership by identifying understanding that should be conserved, generated, or transformed.

The references for your paper should be a minimum of 20 scholarly articles. At least 10 of the 20 should have been published within the last five years. The paper should follow APA requirements and be 13 pages in length NOT counting title page, abstract, and reference pages. Of the 13 pages, the second part, the conclusion, should be no more than four pages……………

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