Posted: September 16th, 2017

The outline is a crucial component of the speech planning process. Write a full sentence outline for your career path or professional goals informative speech.

The outline is a crucial component of the speech planning process. Write a full sentence outline for your career path or professional goals informative speech.

The template contains areas where you must list your speech title, its general purpose, and its specific purpose as it pertains to communication and your career path or professional field. In addition, outline your introduction. Let us know what your attention-getting statement is, why you have credibility to speak on your subject, what the relevancy for your target audience is, and what the central idea of the speech is. The template also contains the area that links to the body of the speech. This will break the speech up into three main points with supporting information and details. In the conclusion of the speech you will summarize your main points for us and close with a memorable statement.
Working Ahead: Opportunities
Visit W4 Assignment 3—the informative speech assignment. Look over the lecture on target audience, references, and grading rubric. Understanding where you are taking this week’s assignment will help you in preparing and planning.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
In the outline, included the title, general purpose, and specific purpose of a speech related to career field or professional goals. 20
In the outline, included the attention-getting statement, credibility, relevancy, and central idea of the speech. 20
In the outline, included the three main points related to a career field or professional goals and all appropriate supporting information and details for the body of the speech. 20
In the outline, included in the conclusion the summary of the main points and a memorable closing statement. 15
Cited at least three sources, two of which were from the South University Online Library. 15
Presented a structured document free of spelling and grammatical errors and properly cited sources using APA format. 10
Total: 100

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