Posted: November 20th, 2014

The pantheon

The pantheon

Project description
For this assignment you will be analyzing the relationship between the building you chose and its materials, technology, construction techniques and structural

Most important is that you are able to identify the primary structural system(s) used and place your building within the historical context of that technique (if your

building uses flying buttresses, for example, you should be able to locate it within the history of the buttressing system and its development). This assignment will

require you to find some information from neighboring fields, so conduct your research accordingly.
You may not be able to answer every question, but try to address most of the following:
How is the building constructed?
What materials, and how much of them were used (stone, concrete, brick, wood, etc)? What tools were used to move the materials and build the structure?
Did the builders use temporary supports during construction?
Which architects (if any), engineers, mathematicians, sculptors, etc., worked on it? How were the designers and builders trained and educated?
How long did the building/site take to build? How many laborers were used?
How did the building use contemporary technology?
What new architectural devices, materials, techniques, or ideas were utilized at the site? How did the building use innovations? How did it differ from past

What architectural drawings, diagrams, or photographs help to answer these questions?
How is the building supported structurally?
Trabeated system (post and lintel) or Arcuated system (arches, vaults, domes)? Are walls constructed as load bearing masonry or structural frames with infill? How is

the roof supported? How does the site drain water?
How does the it resist gravity and manage tension and compression of materials? What devices are used to lighten structures or spread weight and stresses?
How does the buildings structure relate to the buildings form and use?
Does the building express its structural system or hide it?
What architectural drawings, diagrams, or photographs help to answer these questions?


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