Posted: September 13th, 2017

The prospects of success of the European central bank by using Quantitative Easing to act against deflation and to close up with the inflation target of 2% within the EU.

The prospects of success of the European central bank by using Quantitative Easing to act against deflation and to close up with the inflation target of 2% within the EU.

The reference style should be done by footnotes underneath every side (continuous numbering).
The reference list should be listed chronologically regarding to surnames of the authors.
Please send me all the copies of papers (sources, statistics, etc.) because I need it for my appendix.
Please use current publications of the European central bank.
If suitable use USA and Japan as examples where Quantitative easing has been used.
Do not use special abbreviations. Use simple words.
Justify the prospects of success of the European Central Bank.
You can always ask me if you have to.

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