Posted: September 16th, 2017

The Return on Investment of Training.

The Return on Investment of Training.


1.  Analyzes course concepts, theories, or materials correctly, using examples or supporting evidence.

2.  Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences to extend the dialogue.

ASSIGNMENT:In your Effective Training text, at the bottom of page 315, the authors tell us that reaction is the most commonly used method of evaluating a training program, and ROI is the least commonly used method (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). However, it would seem that organizations would have more interest in ROI than in reaction.

1.  Based on your experiences with training programs that you have attended (or even university courses you have attended), why do you think the reaction method is more commonly used?

2.  Discuss an example of how a program you have participated in was evaluated, and how this evaluation might have been improved.  (Questionnaire)

Use properly cited sources as appropriate.

Blanchard, N. P., & Thacker, J. (2013). Effective training (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River,     NJ: Prentice Hall.

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