Posted: June 24th, 2013


Find an example of pseudo-expert (or pseudo-scientific_ testimony that attempts to persuade its audience of false argument. You may choose to examine material presented by conspiracy theorist, alien.UFO promoters, end of world enthusiast, or any other group of ”kooks” whose claims are considered false prima facie by most reasonable people.
Your job is not to prove why the pseudo-experts is wrong, but to explain how he or she uses rhetoric to convince an audience. if you happened to have information that discredit the web authority, you may use it: however, your main task is analysis.
Use logical fallacies to critique your article. Points to consider: How does this source makes its argument? How does the writer try to convince the audience? Does it use numbers or statistics to lend credibility to the argument? Any special code words? Heart-breaking personal examples? appeals to anger? fear? fallacies of ethos, appeals to false authorities? name calling. After you work through these types of questions, you need to evaluate the rhetorical power of the article. How effective is it? Could it attract a rational person? How dangerous would it be if it could convince rational people of its argument? The basis for your evaluation( degree of effectiveness/dangerousness) should be your analysis of the rhetorical features……………………………………………………………………………

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