Posted: September 16th, 2017

The Scripture

The Scripture

Project description
In well-written, carefully researched and written academic essay of 1000 words double-spaced, choose on Bible passage from the list below. Study the passage in several

different translations. Research the author, the occasion, the message and then summarize your findings in essay form. Why was this scripture written? How would it

have been received by the first hearers, and how is the passage understood today? Where is it placed in the canon, and why? Are there any literary or symbolic motifs?

What did you learn (if anything) from this passage?

Further, in preparing for your paper:
– Be sure your paper included a thesis (topic) sentence that provides a summary statement of your essay.
– Including an organization and/or ‘scaffolding’ statement.
– Each paragraph in turn must have it’s own topic sentence. They paper should also include transition sentences, internal summaries to help the reader follow the

development of the thesis.

You must consult at least one in-print reference work (NIV Study Bible notes, a Biblical commentary, a theologian). These sources must be included in a bibliography

and properly notated throughout. One good online resource that digitalized reputable works is (then ‘study a passage’) and
(I wrote two sources because of what it’s asking for here).

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Footnote (not endnote) any and all citations and sources. Include bibliography. Include a title page with name. Remember, appearance does matter. The paper should be

completely free of grammatical and typographical error.

Scripture Passages: (select one):

Acts 2:1-13
Exodus 12
Exodus 32
Genesis 1
Genesis 28:10-22
I Corinthians 13
I Kings 18:16-46
I Samuel 16
Isaiah 6:1-8
Isaiah 60:1-3
James 4:7-10
John 3:1-21
John 9
Luke 2:1-20
Luke 23:44-56
Mark 10:13-16
Mark 16
Matthew 2:1-12
Matthew 9:18-26
Matthew 13:1-9
Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43
Matthew 13:31-32
Numbers 11:4-34
Philippians 4:4-7
Psalm 19
Psalm 51
Revelation 22

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