Posted: September 14th, 2017

The Singer Solution to World Poverty

The Singer Solution to World Poverty

What do you notice about how Singer shapes and manipulates the relationship between writer and reader? Where, for example, does Singer anticipate your response? How does he ask you to see yourself, and what t=strategies does he employ to get you to do so? What do you notice about your responses to Singer’s provocations, his anticipated counter-argument, his questions, and direct addresses? Where did you listen quietly, and where did you speak back? Do you agree or disagree with Singer? Why or why not?
Keep in mind that I am not asking you to summarize the essay, but rather to describe and reflect on your reading process structuring your work according to the logic of what you have to say. Be sure to use quotations from the text to illustrate your ideas or support your claims.
You can use any or all the things below in the paper, if you want to.
Singer’s Argument By Analogy
1. Bob could have saved a child’s life by throwing a switch and sacrificing his precious Bugatti.
2. The loss of Bob’s Bugatti would not have been as great as the loss of a child’s life (the Bugatti is less valuable than a child’s life).
3. Therefore, Bob’s failure to throw the switch and save the child is morally wrong.
4. Most of us (most Americans, that is) could save the life of a child by making a donation of several hundred dollars to a charitable organization.
5. Several hundred dollars is less valuable than a child’s life
6. Therefore, most of us could save the life of a child by sacrificing something less valuable than a child’s life.
7. Like Bob, most of us choose not to. (Or, equivalently, we choose not to save as many children as we could.)
8. Therefore, most of us are morally culpable in failing to save the lives of children.

Singer’s Basic Argument
1. If we can prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, then we ought to do so.
2. Death by starvation is bad.
3. We can prevent many people from dying of starvation by sacrificing our luxuries, which are not as important – or – We ought to prevent people from dying of starvation by sacrificing our luxuries.

Read Singer’s Solution at:
“The Singer Solution to World Poverty,” Peter Singer:

My thoughts: Start with question to argue it, then why compelling or not:
I grew up hungry – We did not have welfare or HUD housing – It would serve better if each person gave $1 in the world – I feel he is shamming people into giving money.

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