Posted: September 12th, 2017

The Starson Case.


write a Debate about Mr. Starson:
Motion: We support the Supreme Court decision in the Starson Case.
(Mr. Starson has capacity to make his own treatment decisions)

. Be sure to represent the positions of the stakeholders outlined below

For the Motion:
•Mr. Starson
•Rights Advocate for Mr. Starson
•Representative of Supreme Court

Include the following in the debate:

The use of an ethical decision making framework to guide the discussion should be evident.
1. Demonstrate the ability to apply an ethical decision making framework to evaluate and solve an ethical dilemma
2.Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise an ethical dilemma using relevant ethical theories and principles
3.Identify the link between ethical and legal analysis of an ethical dilemma
4.Articulate the importance of values and values clarification when discussing ethical dilemmas


IT should be two pages maximum
-one and a half page for the debate and a quarter page for the a summary of it
debate should have Minimum 2 references
Note: these references must be scholarly with articles within five years and must be peer- reviewed

.Present a plan of action to address the situation.
.Prepare three questions for the class and some possible rebuttal questions and answers.
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