Posted: January 3rd, 2015

The Third Way ?seeks to define itself in terms of the roads not taken? (Iain Ferguson). Discuss with reference to social work policy and practice under New Labour

The Third Way ?seeks to define itself in terms of the roads not taken? (Iain Ferguson). Discuss with reference to social work policy and practice under New Labour

Order Description

Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate extended knowledge of ideological concepts and ideas

2.Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise a range of ideological concepts in the context of legal policy and social work practice.

3. Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise a range of ideological theories in the context of legal policy and social work practice.

4. Apply a range of ideological concepts to recent legislation

5. Apply a range of ideological concepts to policy and practice ? think about the discourses.

6. Identify, articulate and apply a range of competing discourses, including those that reflect service users’ perspectives, to practice situations.

7. Include service users’ perspectives (eg. by drawing on research with servicers and/or materials form service user-led organisations).

8. Critically analyse, deconstruct and challenge dominant discourses on a range of issues directly affecting service users. (What is the dominant discourse, what are

the stereotypes, what is the counter discourse)?

9. Critique and deconstructing neo-liberalism, ie. by exploring and evaluating the assumptions and premises on which neo- liberalism is based.

10. Critique and deconstructing big society to show how it?s largely driven by neo-liberal ideas.

11. Demonstrate skills in the management of abstract ideas, ideology and discourse

12. Reflect critically on the influence of ideologies and dominant discourses on the construction of their own values, beliefs, and assumptions in relation to a range

of practice issues.


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