Posted: September 16th, 2017



For this assignment you are required to evidence the next three steps of the process of your thematic analysis.  You need to include:

1. Evidence of Pattern Identification
Covered in Workshop 2 (during the week commencing the 16th of March)
There were several ways in which this step could have been done (e.g. a photograph of clustering of post-it notes or a table created in Word/Excel).  Therefore there is some flexibility regarding this step – you will need to provide evidence based on your own workings.

2. Thematic Map
Covered in Workshop 3 (during the week commencing the 23rd of March)
In the workshop before Easter you started to consider the candidate themes and how they relate to each other and the research question.  Several examples of a Thematic Map were given and there are examples available in the Braun and Clarke (2006) article.  This step should be evidenced by provision of the Thematic Map illustrating the candidate themes.

3. Consideration of Labels
Covered in Workshop 4 (during the week commencing the 27th of April)
We will consider this step in the workshop after Easter, but for the assignment you will be required to state each of your theme titles and provide a sentence explaining why you have chosen that title.  This should be done in a table.  An example of this is below (this is an example so please do not assume that two themes is the appropriate amount for your analysis):
Theme Title    Justification
Theme Title X    This title was chosen because it demonstrates aspect X of the data well.
Theme Title Y    This title was selected as it mirrors the reference to Y in the interview data.

If you have missed any of the workshops then you will need to catch up and make sure that you are up to date in the analytic process.  If you are in doubt as to how to conduct stages of analysis then please check the workshop slides (which are all on Blackboard) and read the Braun and Clarke (2006) article.

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