Posted: September 13th, 2017

Thesis Proposal

Select Doctoral Project Topic and Begin Research Proposal:
As you begin to research and select your Doctoral Project Topic, consider the following:

The University encourages Doctoral Projects that extend the work of the Learner’s profession into emerging fields of inquiry which address contemporary issues. You are encouraged to select a topic that falls within the scope of your expertise, interest and career objectives.

You may select and reject several topics before the right one finally “gels.” Initial ideas are often too broad in scope to be handled in a Doctoral Project format. Conducting preliminary research in Doctoral Project Abstracts and other sources is highly recommended. Begin by stating the problem. Provide a clear and concise statement of the psychology related problem. The Doctoral Project for this course will be 75-100 pages, with a minimum of 80 references for the Annotated Bibliography, and will be uploaded as an assignment.

Review the Doctoral Project Handbook and begin a 1-2 page Research Proposal. This proposal will include a draft of the problem statement and an outline that includes the required elements from the Doctoral Project Manual.

Example: The problem to be addressed within the proposed study is that of the role of attachment styes and interpersonal problems in suicide-related behaviors. The abstract is as follows:
The relationships among adult attachment styles, interpersonal problems, and categories of suicide-related behaviors (i.e., self-harm, suicide attempts, and their co-occurrence) were examined in a predominantly psychiatric sample. Both anxious and avoidant attachment styles were associated with interpersonal problems. In turn, specific interpersonal problems differentially mediated the relations between attachment style and type of suicide-related behaviors. These findings suggest the importance of distinguishing between these groups of behaviors in terms of etiological pathways, maintenance processes, and treatment interventions.

Be sure to keep a Bibliography and all literature researched. Much can be learned by reviewing a list of topics chosen for Doctoral Projects (See Appendix A for examples of Doctoral Project titles from the Doctoral Project Manual, which is located under the course “Resources” tab). You can refer to Week 2, as well as your Doctoral Project Handbook, for further instructions on how to write a Research Topic Proposal once you have selected a topic.
itle – This is a brief precise phrase rendering the main problem of your Research Topic Proposal (up to 80 characters spaces included)

Problem Statement– Include the purpose of the project in a clearly defined problem statement. Include the research question(s) you intend to answer. This should be a description of the actual work you are planning to accomplish and concrete ways of doing it (theoretical and research basis).

Importance to Psychology – Describe the value this project’s results may bring to the field of psychology

Historical Background – This is a section where you describe your predecessors’ deeds in the field you are studying now. Note that all information taken from different sources is to be cited and subsequently referenced

Annotated Bibliography – Here is your reference list, where you name all sources you have referred to or cited. Include a summary of the importance of the information to your project rather than a synopsis of what those researchers did. Note that the items should go in an alphabetical order. If you would like help with an annotated bibliography, you may refer to
and an example of an APA bibliography here (use only the APA example and not the MLA example). (This section does not count towards the paper’s length.)
Assignment Outcomes
Identify a specific problem or a potential problem or an area for analysis and intervention

Formulate research questions

Synthesize theoretical and qualitative data in the literature review of a topic

Explain results and generalize from research findings

____ ____ Background of the Problem
____ ____ Statement of the Problem
____ ____ Purpose of the Study
____ ____ Importance of the Study
____ ____ Definition of Terms

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