Posted: September 13th, 2017

This assignment is a consolidation effort of the essays that analyzed the different business environments of Southwest Airlines (Domestic, Global, Technology, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic). Writer is to pull the information from each essay, summarize, and consolidate in accordance with the instruction below:

This assignment is a consolidation effort of the essays that analyzed the different business environments of Southwest Airlines (Domestic, Global, Technology, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic). Writer is to pull the information from each essay, summarize, and consolidate in accordance with the instruction below:

1. Identify the company’s domestic environment and discuss how the government regulations affect its domestic environment it must operate in.
2. Identify a global environment for the company and discuss how the government regulations affect its global environment it must operate in.
3. Identify the hard and soft technology and interpret the characteristics the company should have/use to be successful in its domestic and global environment.
4. Identify the political-legal barriers for the company in both the domestic and global environments. Use business theory/theorists to illustrate how the company can operate successfully in its domestic and global environment.
5. Identify, compare, and contrast sociocultural factors of the domestic and global environments of the company.
6. Compare and contrast two economic theories for both the domestic and global environments of the company.
7. Develop a strategy of success based on your evaluation of steps 1-6 by assessing what you’ve learned through your research and readings and compare what the company has been doing to what you recommend they should be doing. You cannot state that you would not change anything.
8. You must incorporate critical thinking (see resources).
9. Research requirement: minimum 5 sources PLUS the text and Geert Hofstede.

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