Posted: September 13th, 2017

This essay doesn't have 1-Work cited page, 2- No Citation .

This essay doesn’t have 1-Work cited page, 2- No Citation .
Source just this text book American Stories Vol. 1 text book is just the source that essay should write. Attached is cover page of book.
Express your understanding and thoughts from that book. I need to see how you are building from the material you have been given. Then, from there start to think on a broader scale about the course and the reason why this is so important.”
Do citation you need to give me the exact page number of where you are getting the evidence in your paper (Brands book)
This is example of how should do citation.
(In any given society, leadership is crucial, whether for good or bad, depending on whose opinion, is a different story. Even though Armesto’s textbook does not provide a thorough explanation of the development of leadership in these civilizations, it is evident that religion was connected to political leadership in almost each step of the way. Even the role of women that thought varied, given that some women held high religious and or political positions in parts of China, most laws (human/religious) justified subordination of women to men (Armesto p78&79). Here it is important to keep in mind the previous chapters- the migration of people to more fertilized lands and the development of farming meant an increase in settlements. These settlements necessitated organization of its labor force, which could have been organized communally and not by “the state and priests” (Armesto p79). A closer look to the social history of its time, to study the conditions of the working class, as supposed to the elites, would provide a greater insight to how the first rulers, kings and State officials were Chosen. )

Subject: History and Political Science, Essay   ( number of bids: 2 )
Topic:  Why did the cotton gin transform southern agriculture?

Don’t use any other web sites for writing. American Stories Vol. 1 text book is just the source that essay should write.
Express your understanding and thoughts from that book. I need to see how you are building from the material you have been given. Then, from there start to think on a broader scale about the course and the reason why this is so important.”
Please do not forget to use page numbers that you used from book to write the essay same as my last essay you did.
you need to give me the exact page number of where you are getting the evidence in your paper (Brands book

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