Posted: April 27th, 2015

This is a presentation prepared by an internal staff member to be delivered to a non-English speaking audience (visitors from outside Australia and visiting this country the first time). The organiser has seen that this presentation is not appropriate and is very badly made


Students will be presented with a sample presentation. This presentation will be available to download from Interact2.

This is a presentation prepared by an internal staff member to be delivered to a non-English speaking audience (visitors from outside Australia and visiting this country the first time). The organiser has seen that this presentation is not appropriate and is very badly made.

  1. a) Give three suggestions about how you can improve this presentation for an international audience in Australia. (30 words x 3) – 2 marks
  2. b) Explain two alternative technologies you could use to present the information contained in this presentation in a better manner to this audience. (200 words x 2) – 3 marks
  3. c) Imagine that the event is now cancelled due to bad weather but the attendees are still happy to do this via video conferencing and/or social media. How would you present this information to them? (800 words) – 8 marks
  4. d) Current references (published within the last two years) have been included in the APA 6th edition format – 2 marks


The tasks in this assignment relates to Learning Outcome 6:

Be able to select an appropriate communication style and technique when delivering a message in different settings and to different audiences


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