Posted: September 17th, 2015

Thoreau's view of farming

Contemplative Spiritual Farming
After reading about almanacs, Transcendentalism, and Thoreau’s writings from Walden, analyze a passage that you see connecting what you’ve studied.

You may want to use one of these prompts/questions from the readings or out of the textbook, but feel free to take it in other directions. Dig deep for this discussion instead of just making obvious or opinionated statements. Remember, your classmates may exhaust these ideas quickly:

Why do you think the writer of the Sumerian Farmer’s Almanac invoked the god Ninurta and the goddess Ninkilim for assistance? Do you see any similarities to today’s farmers in relation to “god”? This text is a set of instructions. Does it have any literary aspects, or is it simply like a manual on how to farm?
Is farming a spiritual act? Provide evidence. Talk about the difference spiritual and religious.
Who was Richard (Poor Richard’s Almanack)? Talk about pseudonyms and how that affects literature.
What is an almanack/almanac? What sort of material is published in almanacs?
Thoreau’s view of farming is very different from Jefferson’s. Outline ways in which these differences seem significant. How are their individual ideas a product of heir time? Are there any ways that the two writers are similar?
Thoreau sees farming as a symbolic act. Where do you see this hold true? What does farming symbolize for Thoreau?

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