Posted: September 13th, 2017

Timberlands CEO Strategy

Assignment Requirements


1. Basically I need you to do the following read the three chapters provided below. 2. Answer the following questions A. What were the different “audiences” Swartz had to respond to in this section? B. Also, as you read through the experience that Swartz had constructing business correspondence in his situation with Timberland, consider three concepts from chapters 1, 2 and 3 from the text attached that he applied. C. Make sure to incorporate the concepts in your answer. D. Mention each concept, the pages from which it comes in the textbook and how Swartz followed or perhaps did not follow the concept. Please ensure to develop very detailed clear responses for questions A-C.

Discussion task – Timberland

Please read the article, “Timberland’s CEO  on Standing Up to 65,000 Angry Activists.”

You can access the article through the databases that UMUC’s Library and Information Services subscribes to by searching through OneSearch.

To get instructions on how to access the article through OneSearch click here.

The article describes how the CEO of Timberland, Jeff Swartz, responded to the public when his company faced a sort of crisis situation.

1. What were the different “audiences” Swartz had to respond to in this situation?

2. As you read through the experience that Swartz had in constructing business correspondence in his situation with Timberland, consider three concepts from chapters 1, 2, and 3 from your textbook, Business Communication for Success, that he applied.

Mention each concept, the page(s) from which it comes in the textbook, and how Swartz followed (or perhaps did not follow) the concept.




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