Posted: September 14th, 2017

Title Report on the evaluation of 10 e-commerce Websites

Title Report on the evaluation of 10 e-commerce Websites
Weight 20% of overall unit assessment
Task description
You are required to write a report on the critical evaluation of 10 Websites
in 5 groups (types) for a business manager. It is recommended that the
report is not more than 3,000 words, excluding appendix, references,
and/or footnotes.
You should determine (approximately 10-15) evaluation criteria based on
the principles and guidelines for building effective e-commerce Websites
and the business models discussed in the unit materials and gained from
your own research. While there are criteria that are common for all ecommerce
websites, there may be different criteria relevant to different
types (groups) of sites. You should discuss the difference. Your criteria
should be objectively applicable.
You should evaluate the Websites according to the above determined
criteria by comparing the sites in the same group, and between different
groups. It is recommended to use tables where possible for concise
You should identify major strengths and weaknesses of each site, and
provide recommendations for the design and development of the sites to
improve their performance.
The 10 Websites are:
Group 1 E-Tailer
Group 2 Content Provider
Group 3 Community Provider
Page 2
Group 4 Market Creator
Group 5 Transaction Broker
Marking criteria
The following marking criteria should assist you in completing your
5% Report structure, presentation and layout
5% Logical structure, organisation of information within report
10% Spelling and grammar
10% Factual material and accuracy of data
15% Own appraisal and logical reasoning
15% Accurate comparisons using tables or similar
15% Originality, academic rigour, synthesis of ideas, cohesion
15% Thoroughness of research
10% Reference and citation style (Harvard style)
Report style
In business, reports come in a variety of styles but normally contain:
• report cover sheet,
• table of contents,
• abstract (sometimes called an Executive Summary),
• introduction,
• “body” – the main contents (don’t use “Body” for section heading),
• conclusion and recommendations,
• references,
• appendices, if necessary.
Assistance can be obtained from the SCU library or on-line web resources
such as “SCU Learning Assistance”, to ascertain the best features of a
Document Format
o The document must be word-processed using MS-Word.
o The document must contain an assignment cover sheet, including unit
name and code, semester and year, student name and ID, student
email address, campus name or external mode, assignment number
and title, assignment due date and submission date, and lecturer
and/or tutor name.
o Body font size should be 12 pt. (Arial or Times New Roman).
o Filename = YourLastNameFirstInitial_ISY10058_Ass1.docx
e.g. SmithJ_ISY10058_Ass1.docx.
Page 3
Assignment submission
You should submit this assignment in the Turnitin assignment box for your
location at the Blackboard of this unit.
Original work
This is an individual assignment and your assignment must be your
original work. Exchange of ideas is considered educationally valuable, and
it is encouraged to refer to existing research work. However, your
assignment similarity assessed by Turnitin should be within 25%, and a
complete reference list and associated citations should be provided.
The assessment process may require some students to attend an
interview in order to explain their assignments.

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