Posted: November 1st, 2015

What brings me joy in my life?” As you answer, take into account the IPP (using experience, reflection and action) and your initial experiences with the Examen.

To start the course, please take no more than 2-3 pages
create a power point, video, or some other creative interpretation
and address the following topic in a response paper (or other creative method):
“What brings me joy in my life?”
As you answer, take into account the IPP (using experience, reflection and action) and your initial experiences with the Examen.

Although this written assignment is an informal response paper it is still important to remember to keep your paper and thoughts organized. Try starting with an introduction and main point (thesis statement), followed by the body of the paper which should include support paragraphs and wrap of the paper with a conclusion.

Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings

Content: Focus is clear and maintained; content supports thesis; purpose clear Excellent
5 pts Acceptable
3.5 pts Needs improvement
1 pts
5 pts
Development of Ideas: Ideas are developed in depth and complexity and supported by rich and pertinent details weaving both course content and personal experiences into the paper.
10 pts Acceptable
7 pts Needs Improvement
5 pts
10 pts
Organization: Paper is clear and easy to follow; introduction with a clear thesis (or main point), logical body progression with supporting evidence; clear and skillful transitions and a clear and concise conclusion

2.5 pts Acceptable
1 pts Needs Improvement
0 pts
2.5 pts
Mechanics: No spelling or typographical errors, correct grammar; good sentence structure, and citations follow provided guidelines Excellent
2.5 pts Acceptable
1 pts Needs Improvement
0 pts
2.5 pts
Total Points: 20

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