Posted: April 15th, 2015

To what extent were Honecker and his belated reforms responsible for the downfall of the GDR (and the symbolic downfall of the Berlin Wall), or was Gorbachev the main catalyst? (This would be my counterargument)

To what extent were Honecker and his belated reforms responsible for the downfall of the GDR (and the symbolic downfall of the Berlin Wall), or was Gorbachev the main catalyst? (This would be my counterargument)

Study Books Used in Class:
Savranskaya, Svetlana, and Blanton, Thomas, and Zubok,Vladislav (2011). “Masterpieces of History, The peaceful end of the cold war in Europe, 1989”. Budapest-New York: Central European University Press
Herrmann, Richard K and Ned Lebow, Richard, (2004). “Ending the cold war – Interpretations, causation, and the study of international relations”. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Jones, C.B., (2010) “Understand the Cold War, Teach Yourself.” Great Britain: Hodder Education
Friedman, Thomas L., (2006)“The World is flat – the globalized world in the twenty-first century”.New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Gorbatschow, Michael, (1995) „Erinnerungen, Das Vermächtnis eines Reformers“. Berlin: Wolf Jobst Siedler Verlag
Mütter, Bernd Prof Dr, und Pingel, Falk Dr und Zwölfer, Norbert Prof, unter Mitarbeit von Hoffmann, Dirk Dr (2010)„Geschichtsbuch 4 – Die Menschen und ihre Geschichte in Darstellungen und Dokumenten, von 1918 bis 1995“. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag
Dockrill, Saki Ruth, (2010), „The End of the Cold War Era“. New York: Bloomsbury Academic
Skinner, Kiron K, (2008), “Turning Points in ending the Cold War”. Stanford University, Stanford California: Hoover Institution Press
McCauley, Martin, (2008), “Russia America and the Cold War 1949-1991”. Harlow (UK): Pearson Education Ltd.
Mann, James, (2009), The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan, A History of the end of the Cold War”. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Internet Resources: (30 June 2012, 12.30h) (30 June 2012, 13.00h) (30 June 2012, 13.05h) 30 June2012 12.57h
(Quellen: Spiegel Artikel “Er hielt sich für den Grössten” viewed on 30 June 2012, 13.00h, und Buch “Masterpieces of History – The peaceful end of the cold war in Europe, 1989 sowie Welt Online Artikel “Als Honecker vor 20 Jahren zurücktreten musste”ücktreten-musste viewed on 21 May 2012, 20.15h)

It has to be an extended essay, 4000 words in total. The research question can/must also be changed, according to the text which has already been written, but it must be a narrow question according to the IB extended essays rules.

Please, see the message and file from the customer:
“Many problems: research question does maybe not fit to text already written, so text must be adapted, made narrower and much shorter to research question or question must be changed (feel free to do so). The text now features too many subjects, is a mess and not edited.The text must have footnotes on each page as per IB instructions (which I will scan and send you tomorrow morning), is the task clear to the writer? He/she can change text completely and start from new if this is better. He/she should however use some of the sources listed please and can then add additional sources.
Also he must use so-called “Primary sources” whatever this means. ”

” A draft should be sent first so that I can quickly review and add any comments. It has to be a high class extended essay and later I will also send you the general instructions for an IB extended essay

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