Posted: June 25th, 2015

Topic: A sound mind in a sound body

This is the website of the organization that I worked for as intern, it’s a good source of information,




I worked there

1-as assistant , like medical assistant ,

2-I also has helped them with a lot of great ideas like creating an instagram account so people can benefit from that since Technology now is everything in people’s life

3- How to deal with new trends in technology, ads and marketing

4- Courses I took as a graduate student at Barry helped me a lot with my internship experience like HSA510 Principles Health Services, HSA540 Quality Assurance, HSA668 Human Resource Management in healthcare,HSA680 Healthcare Marketing, mph513 Environmental and Occupational Health, HSA520 Managerial epidemiology , HSA535 Applied biostatistics , Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Health Disparities , Health Policy , Diversity in Healthcare, and Legal Aspects in Healthcare.

5- My background in psychology helped me a lot with dealing with patients especially those who is always unsatisfied.

6- I was also a translator since my mother language is Arabic and 20% of patients were Arab.


Note :

1-I have created a topic and an outline for my report but feel free to change it,

The location that I worked for as unpaid intern was in downtown Miami,

Dr. Kwolosky , my manager was Dariana , and my co-worker is Yanela.


2-Feel free to invent stories that happens in the clinic so you can add value to the report , in the website you can find everything about the program, I want this internship report to be the best

3- in the appendix , you can get what you need from the website like what the diet is all about , how it works , I mean pictures and those stuff.


Here’s the outline :





A sound mind in a sound body


Dr.G’s Weight loss and Wellness program


Guest User

Barry University

HSA 567

Summer 2015

























  1. Introduction
  • Who is Dr. G’s Weight loss and wellness program?
  • The aim of the report
  1. Breaking up with obesity and join Healthy lifestyle


  • Job description
  • Weight loss and wellness program
  • Medical morals learned while training
  • Ethical and success stories inspiration
  1. Recommendation
  2. Conclusion
  3. References
  • Appendixes








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