Posted: February 20th, 2013

Topic: Argumentative Bioethic Essays


2 different Essay paragraghs, each having different descriptive directions.

Answer the following in a well thought out, clear, and concise essay. Be sure to defend your position and demonstrate that you have an in-depth understanding of the relevant issues.
Is the selling of organs a form of exploitation and/or coercion? In the answering of this question be sure to define exploitation and coercion–these are technical terms discussed in the notes. (Given these definitions is the selling of organs a form of exploitation and/or coercion?) What do Radcliffe-Richards, Daar, etc.(p. 654) think about this (i.e., do they think that the vendors are being exploited and/or coerced)? Provide the detailed arguments that they use to defend their position. Are they correct? What does Phadke and Anandh (p.657) think (i.e., do they think that the vendors are being exploited and/or coerced)? Provide the detailed arguments that they use to defend their position. Are they correct? (When discussing the authors’ positions on the topics make sure to provide the details of their arguments.)

2. Answer the following in a well thought out, clear, and concise essay. Be sure to defend your position and demonstrate that you have an indepth understanding of the relevant issues.
In Cynthia B. Cohen’s paper(p.377) “‘Give Me Children or I Shall Die!’ New Reproductive Technologies and Harm to Children,” she discusses the Harm to Children and the Interest in Existing arguments, provide these arguments in detail. Which if either of the arguments does Cohen support, and why? Which if either of the arguments does she reject, and why? In the process of answering the question be sure to define and address the following: devastating harm, substantial harm, obligations to actual children, and obligations to possible children.

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