Posted: September 13th, 2017

Topic: Case study

Topic: Case study

Order Description

case study will describe a managerial problem (dealing with people and /or teams)
Associated with the negotiation you were involved and find in some way to be significant and challenging for you. It could be something that has already happened, that is ongoing or that you anticipate needing to address in the near future. A case that contains questions, puzzles, or challenges provides a richer vehicle for analysis. Please feel free to disguise the case as you wish so that you can share your personal case with your colleagues in the course. Make sure that the experience is bounded and manageable so that it can be described succinctly. Some suggestion for preparing your case:
• Case-writing is very much like telling a good story. When writing about a case in which you are involved, it usually works best to write in the first person. Describe what happened as you saw it, including your own thoughts and feeling ( but make sure your thoughts and feelings are labeled as such)
• You description need note be elaborate – simply provide enough information to enable someone unfamiliar with the case to understand the essentials of the story.
• Try to focus the case around a particular experience or series of experiences, rather than trying to cover many months or years. Set the stage with a relatively brief description of the organizational setting and your role in it.
• Provide the information that you think will help the reader understand the most important elements in the situation.
• Focus on direct description. The purpose of the case is to describe what happened, not to analyse, evaluate, or editorialize. If for example, there was a significant meeting, provide a description of what people actually said and did in it.
• A good case usually ends with a question , a choice point, or an unsolved problem.(E.g, what should I do now ? how could I solve this problem?) the focal question or problem should be yours, not someone else’s.

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