Posted: September 17th, 2017

Topic: Chronic Pain Management in the Emergency Dept setting and Addiction Paper details: Select a problem in nursing practice that you believe needs to be addressed and write a 6-7 page paper. Gather evidence on practices that will address the problem. Use the following outline to prepare for submission of the project in Week 5: Identification of the problem. Why is it important? Why should there be a change? Changes in practice that you are suggesting. What is the evidence (research) that supports your proposed changes? (Note: use research articles for this section) How do “individual patient or family needs and preferences” impact the implementation of the change? How would you evaluate the change?

Topic: Chronic Pain Management in the Emergency Dept setting and Addiction

Paper details:
Select a problem in nursing practice that you believe needs to be addressed and write a 6-7 page paper. Gather evidence on practices that will address the problem. Use the following outline to prepare for submission of the project in Week 5: Identification of the problem. Why is it important? Why should there be a change? Changes in practice that you are suggesting. What is the evidence (research) that supports your proposed changes? (Note: use research articles for this section) How do “individual patient or family needs and preferences” impact the implementation of the change? How would you evaluate the change?

Paper details:
Select a problem in nursing practice that you believe needs to be addressed and write a 6-7 page paper. Gather evidence on practices that will address the problem. Use the following outline to prepare for submission of the project in Week 5: Identification of the problem. Why is it important? Why should there be a change? Changes in practice that you are suggesting. What is the evidence (research) that supports your proposed changes? (Note: use research articles for this section) How do “individual patient or family needs and preferences” impact the implementation of the change? How would you evaluate the change?

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