Posted: September 13th, 2017

Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility

Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility

Order Description

Write a formal report comparing the CSR practices, and their reporting of them, of two companies within the same industry sector (e.g. beverages, alcohol, food, banking/finance, energy,
garment industry).
– Choose companies with contrasting practices
– Describe and analyse the practices in the light of your reading in this Unit
– Assess the relative merits of each company’s performance in its practices and reporting of them
– Make recommendations for improving the performance of each company

You need to follow
1) Review and analyse major CSR theories and key
2)Increase your critical vocabulary in CSR related
issues by applying CSR theories to practical
problem soving contexts
3)Apply CSR critiques to particular organisations and
understand company/organisation-specific
solutions to CSR related policy and practice
problems and issues
4) Understand the communication strategies required
in getting the message of CSR across
5) Demonstrate autonomy, responsibility,
accountability and a continued commitment to
learning and skill development, as a
reflective practitioner in CSR and accountability
6) Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and
disseminate information

The format of a report must include
1. Title page Clearly describes what the report is about.
2. Abstract Approximately 200 words. Stating the problem, how was it investigated, what you found out, and what your findings mean?
3. Table of contents a list of the major and minor sections of your report.
4. Introduction Set the scene, give some background information about the topic. State the aim/purpose of the investigation. Outline of the sections in the body of the report.
5. Main body Organise the body into sections: what you investigated, how you investigated it, what you found (evidence), and interpretations.
6.Conclusion Summary, what the report achieved—did it meet its aims, the significance of your findings and discussion of the findings and interpretations.
7. Recommendations What do you recommend as a course of action following your conclusion?
8. References A list of all the sources you used. It should be published from Australia.

9.Appendices Any information (graphs, charts, tables or other data) you used in your report but did not include in the body.


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