Posted: September 13th, 2017

Topic: Data Visualization – Pelican Stores

Order Description

Pelican Stores
Pelican Stores, a division of National Clothing, is a chain of women’s apparel stores operating throughout the country. The chain recently ran a promotion in which discount coupons were sent to customers of other National Clothing stores. Data collected for a sample of 100 in-store credit card transactions at Pelican Stores during one day while the promotion was running is provided in the Excel spreadsheet attached (Pelican.xlsx).
The proprietary card method of payment refers to charges made using a National Clothing charge card. Customer who made a purchase using a discount coupon are referred to as promotional customers and customers who made a purchase but did not use a discount coupon are referred to as regular customers. Because the promotional coupons were not sent to regular Pelican Stores customers, management considers the sales made to people presenting the promotional coupons as sales it would not otherwise make. Of course, Pelican also hopes that the promotional customers will continue to shop at its own stores.
Consider the questions below to help Pelican’s management make use of the data.
QUESTIONS – Rather than provide brief answers to all of the questions, pick two (2) and make substantive, thoughtful (digging deeper) postings.
1.    What kinds of questions should management be asking about the sales?
2.    If you could only pick one thing, what would be the most important piece of information in the data? For example, which column of the spreadsheet is the most important?
3.    Which customers are more important in this situation, regular or promotional? Explain.
4.    Management has scheduled a meeting for you to discuss your impressions of the data. You will have 10 minutes to summarize your findings. What tools, techniques, pictures, etc. would be most helpful to you?


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