Posted: August 11th, 2013

Topic: Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering

Faculty of Applied Design and Engineering
Please attention:no any reason for extend,please finish it on time?
This assignment is related with assignment 1,i sent assignment’s documents to you,please see it?thanks
Produce a 2D drawing of the detailed design of a major component in your overall assembly plus a set of notes outlining how you have achieved the tasks set.
Using your initial design as a basis you are now to zero in on an individual component
1) Confirm you have the right calculations for sizing (speak to CW if necessary)
2) Decide a suitable material spec for the component
3) Using FEA as a tool to optimise a single part to something which is light weight but has sufficient strength and rigidity to function. For gear components, the gear contact points should not separate by more than 0.02 mm in full load. For hydraulic cylinder components, the cylinder should not expand by more than 40 microns in any position.
4) Finish off the solid model to include all bearing seats, O ring seats, gear details, fillets/chamfers, threads etc as applicable
5) Work out the diametral tolerances on the bearing or cylinder faces based on ISO fits
6) Suggest ways that GDT could be applied to your component
7) Produce a proper, production level drawing of your finished component. This should include Projected views, sectional views if necessary, blow ups of details ,a proper title block, material specifications, full toleranced dimensions for all features except detailed gear and/or thread forms (this is covered by a note to the manufacturer regarding gear/thread parameters).
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