Posted: June 9th, 2015

Topic: Fitness testing

Assignment 1 – Fitness Testing


Task 1 – Components of Fitness


Define each of the components of fitness listed below. Make sure you reference your responses


Fitness Component


Explanation/ definition

Physical Fitness The Wikipedia definition of physical fitness is, “Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations.” Within this assignments we are focussing on aspects of physical fitness related to sport.


Aerobic endurance


There are different aspects of physical fitness and each contributes to your overall fitness.






Muscular endurance


It is the ability of a muscle or group of muscle, to work continuously for a long time without tiring.








Flexibility is the range of motion in a joint or group of joints, or , the ability to move joints effectively. It is related to muscle strength.




Strength is the ability to use for move or lift a heavy weight in the sports.



Speed Speed is the ability to move quickly across the ground or move limbs rapidly to grab or throw.






Body Composition

(body fat %)


Refers primarily to the distribution of muscle and fat in the body. Body size includes parameters such as height, lengths and girths.








Define each of the components of fitness listed below. Make sure you reference your responses


Fitness Component


Explanation/ definition

Skill-related fitness


Agility The ability to quickly change body position or direction of the body.








–       Static

–       Dynamic



The ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of support when stationary (static balance) or moving (dynamic balance). This help gymnasts maintain their position and prevents games players from over at speed.






Co-ordination The ability to use two or more body parts together. This helps all athletes to move smoothly and quickly especially when also having to control a ball







Reaction-time the time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of a movement. This helps swimmers to make a fast start.






Power The ability to use strength at speed. This helps athletes to jump high, throw far or sprint quickly. Power = strength x speed.






Task 2 – Fitness Tests:


Identify and explain ONE fitness test for each of the components of physical fitness (P1, M1).


Task 3 – Advantages and disadvantages:


Explain the main advantages and disadvantages of each test (P1, M1).


Physical Fitness Component Description of Fitness Test

(name/ equipment/ protocol)

Advantages of Test


Disadvantages of Test


Aerobic endurance


There are few types of tests for aerobic endurance, which are the multi-stage fitness test, it is used to predict the as much oxygen possible to uptakes.

The forestry step test, which will predicts our aerobic endurance levels. Also, the 1.5 mile running test, as it can show our overall oxygen consumption.

Muscular endurance


Muscular endurance has two difference types of test such as The Press-up and sit-up test. For the press-up test it needed a mat only, and we need to know the proper technique to do it. And also, for the sit-up test it also needs a mat and proper technique. The meaning of technique in this sentence that is how we do it for example the press-up, we have to need position where our hands should width apart and arms fully extended and lower our body until our elbows are at 90 degrees then come back to position where we started.

Furthermore, for the technique of sit-up test we need to know position ourselves on a mat with our knees bent, and feet should be flat on the floor and arms also should be across our body then raise ourselves up to the 90 degrees position and then back to original position and test should be 60 seconds long.





There is two difference type of tests for strength, firstly











Body Composition

(body fat %)




















Physical Fitness Component Description of Fitness Test

(name/ equipment/ protocol)

Advantages of Test


Disadvantages of Test














Assignment 2 – Health Screening:


Task 1 – Health questionnaire


Design an appropriate health screening questionnaire to be used on an individual of your choice (P2).


Get a questionnaire completed by 2 contrasting individuals (P3).













































Task 2 – Health Monitoring Tests


Carry out 4 health monitoring tests for 2 individuals (P4).


These may include heart rate, blood pressure, lung function, waist-to-hip ratio, body mass index. Use the table below to record your results.


Client 1 =


Health Screening Results:



Test Result Equipment Used


Resting Heart Rate


Blood Pressure


Lung Function


Body Mass Index (BMI)




Client 2 =


Health Screening Results:



Test Result Equipment Used


Resting Heart Rate


Blood Pressure


Lung Function


Body Mass Index (BMI)







Task 3 – Results Analysis


Evaluate the results of the health screening questionnaires and health monitoring tests.


  1. Summarise the lifestyles of your two clients.


  1. Make recommendations for each client on how they could improve their lifestyles















































Assignment 3 – Practical administration of fitness tests and interpretation of the results


Task 1 – 6 Fitness Tests


Select 6 fitness tests you will carry out with a chosen individual. Justify each of the 6 tests you have chosen to carry out, explaining how they are suitable, reliable, practical and valid (M3).


Test Explain how and why the test is:


















Task 2 – Administer the fitness tests:


Carry out the 6 fitness tests you have chosen with your selected individual, and record the results (P5).


Test Result


Normative Data




































Task 3 – Results Analysis


Based on your test result findings, produce a report that you will present to your client in a one-to-one meeting. The report should compare your results to normative data.


You must come up with some suggestions for how your client can improve their fitness levels in the areas that most need improvement (P6, M4).


Results Summary:


What the results were like compared to normative data?


Test Result


Comparison to normative data

(% above or below)









In the areas for improvement identified as a result of the tests, suggest how your client could improve their fitness levels. This should include sample training sessions (D2).

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