Posted: September 13th, 2017

Topic: Literature review+ an example for same work will provide

Topic: Literature review+ an example for same work will provide

Order Description

” Is constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) an effective intervention for upper limb function for people with cerebral palsy ? ”

The literature review structure is :

• Introduction (~200 words)

? Definition of clinical question

? Brief background

? Justification –why ask this question?

• Method/Process (~200 words)

? Search terms and process

? Inclusion/exclusion criteria

? Disciplines

• Main Body (~1400 words)

? Summarises articles in table or paragraphs

? Key features or themes that have been identified

For example

? Links between articles and between themes

? Developments/changes over time

? Key authors

? Contested areas or controversies

? Your ideas given the literature you’ve read

? Practice/theory match or mis-match

Conclusion (~200 words)

? ‘So what?’

? Reiteration of main themes from literature

? Explicitly link findings to practice

? Where further research is required

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