Posted: September 16th, 2017

Topic: Nursing (Discussion questions 3 references per question total 6)

Topic: Nursing (Discussion questions 3 references per question total 6)

Paper details:
1. Reimbursement processes and rates for services provided by NPs vary between funding sources. Differentiate between public, private and managed health care plans. Research the application process for NPs to join the panels for reimbursement and the rates of reimbursement for services provided by NPs. Share with your colleagues which panel(s) you researched and what you learned. 2. Health care reform has prompted numerous debates in regard to reimbursements for providers, such as NPs, Physician Assistants (PAs) and MDs. What are the arguments, data, and rationale used by proponents and opponents of healthcare reform? What is your perspective on the implications of healthcare reform in regard to the role of the NP? Also, in less than 300 words assess how regulatory, legal, and legislative issues impact advanced practice nurses and discuss how this plays into healthcare reform.

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