Posted: November 21st, 2014

Topic: Reflection essay

Topic: Reflection essay

Reflection essay
Write your reflection on Projects 1 (See the additional file) and Projects 2 (see the additional file. Project 2 is a video)

Your reflection should include:
1) What have you learned about language and culture based on your reflection (e.g., concepts, significance, etc.)?
These are some of the concepts that might help you to write about and answer question 1. I need your reflection about these concepts.
Cultural meanings: Language is governed by the ways that people use it. The meanings of the language used by people can be interpreted according to social, cultural,

and situational meanings. Cultural meanings are expressed through the ways that co-participants in a given conversation assess communicative behavior and in the

symbolic senses of words. For example, In America if you want to give someone a ride he/she will say, “ I don’t want to trouble you” which means I don’t want to bother

you according to the American culture. However, in Saudi culture, we will understand from the previous response that he/she will really put me in a trouble.
Cultural meanings are important to the study of the language and culture because they enables co-participants in any given situation to evaluate and make judgments

about the appropriate communicative behavior based on the previous knowledge of the culture norms of the interlocutors language use. Also, it enables to interpret the

symbolic meanings of any words or proverbs based on the culture of the interlocutors.
Silence: Silence is a type of silent communication that transferring culture norms and believes. Silence conveys nonverbal message that indicates hidden meanings such

as the level of powers between co-participants. For example, when instructor talk to a student, the instructor tends to talk and the lower status (the students) that

remains silent most of the conversations as an indication of social control. In addition, silence could be as expression of unrevealed feelings and emotions such as

sadness or anger.
Silence is important to the study of language and culture because it indicates status variations of co-participants relationship, and social roles. Also, it conveys

hidden feeling in non-verbal messages.
Linguistic Relativity (also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis): Sapir notion is that all complete vocabulary is indeed looked up as complex inventory of all the

ideas, interests, through of certain community. They reflected through language. Moreover, people labeled objects only if they have culture value is multidirectional.

For example, people who live in cold areas and have snow during the whole year, they labeled the snow to different names like heavy snow, light snow and other names.

However, people in hot areas they just have one name for the snow or no name at all. People name things when their survivals depend on it.
On the other hand, according to Whorf. The influence of language can be seen through the relation between vocabulary and complex grammar. For instance, he was working

as a fireman and he noticed most fires were throw matches in drums that written upon “empty” although it contained vapors that might cause fire or explosion. The

firemen thought that word “empty” means “void or null”. One of the important is that the role of that grammar plays in influencing the kinds of relations that speakers

perceive in their world
Kinship Terms: This term refers to whom to name relatives. It indicates people’s perception about social relations.
Kinship terms is important to the study of language and culture because understand how kinship terms are used in any social helps to understand more about others

cultures. Also, the more kinship terms learners know, the better they become able to accomplish their acts especially when they travel to a different country, thus,

shown our respectful.
Terms of Address: refers to our way of addressing each other usually depends on their sex, social, group, age and personal relationship.
Terms of address is important to the study of language and culture because using term address helps in attracting people’s attention as well as remind the hearer’s

status and relationship. Terms of address are a basic apart of languages that helps to show our respectful and politeness toward others.
Turn-taking (in an interaction): refers to which people in a conversation decide who is to speak next which depends on both culture factors and subtle cues. Sometime I

talk and sometimes the other person talks, so we take the turn and sometimes we give the turn to the other person. For example, when I speak to someone utile give up

control to the person I speak to. Then, the other person speak now has the conversation floor until turn taking cycle stop when there is no more speech or conversation

we say.
Turn taking is important to the study of language and culture because it allows participants to take turn in a conversation and allow each person to has various

numbers of turns

2) How would the concepts and topics be meaningful in teaching ELLs?
3) What are your experiences in completing Project 1 (see the additional file to know more about prject1)?
4) What are experiences in completing Project 2 (see the additional file to know more about prject2 video)?
5) How are these experiences similar and/or different?
6) How do these experiences influence your perceptions of language and culture as a current/future ESL teacher?
1) Typed; double-spaced; 3-4 pages; 1” margin on every side
2) 12 pt. Times New Roman or other serif-based font
3) Include your name, course title, name of the assignment, and submission date at the top of the assignment.
4) Only an electronic document via Canvas is acceptable.


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