Posted: February 17th, 2013

Topic: Roadmap for eBusiness Strategy Implementation

Assignments (100 Points Total): Complete the following “5” essay questions below and “each” essay question response should be a minimum of 250 words supported with scholarly research from your textbook and outside internet sources excluding wiki sources with included direct quote and or paraphrased citations within all responses in combination with your analysis of the concepts along with any experience if applicable.

1. Discuss in scholarly detail the strategic issues a company need to address when adding clicks to bricks.

2. Discuss in scholarly detail the options a company has for solving the online/offline channel conflict.

3. Discuss in scholarly detail how case studies can help you to develop creative strategies. Provide some examples.

4. Go to which is a database with creative and original ideas. Report your findings in scholarly detail.

5. Discuss in scholarly detail how you could increase the depth of analysis through the concepts and frameworks presented in this course.

APA Format: When I evaluate your professional and research documentation format, I pay close attention to the format of required APA in-text citations for “all” question responses in addition to correct format of sources to APA in the APA reference page. In addition, an APA cover page is needed, use of double spacing is needed, and paragraphs should be indented. If you are new to APA or need to refresh your skills with APA, consider the support resources below

• (This website will give you an option to purchase software to help you with APA format)

• (This is the main website for APA where you can consider purchasing the APA publication manual which is the first and best resource for APA)

• (Good Free Resource for APA)

• (Good Free Resource for APA)

• (This website will actually allow you to type in general information of the source and will then output the formats needed for the reference and in-text citations)

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