Posted: September 16th, 2017

Topic: Special Issues in Foodservice Management Analyze and discuss a topic covered in the Special Issues in Foodservice Management lecture using current literature. The analysis and discussion should convey an understanding from both the managerial perspective

Topic: Special Issues in Foodservice Management Analyze and discuss a topic covered in the Special Issues in Foodservice Management lecture using current literature. The analysis and discussion should convey an understanding from both the managerial perspective

Order Description

Special Issues in Foodservice Management

Analyze and discuss a topic covered in the Special Issues in Foodservice Management lecture using current literature. The analysis and discussion should convey an understanding from both the managerial perspective as well as the population affected by the special issue chosen. Research should support the topic and generate a thorough discussion, which may also include cross-cultural and legal or ethical dilemmas as they relate to the trend or issue. This assignment should communicate meaningfully with your audience while demonstrating critical thinking skills.

The research paper is a minimum of 2 pages, double-spaced, times new roman font and 1” borders. Students must use APA formatting throughout, no MLA. Please refer to the APA guidelines posted on iLearn for reference. A minimum of 2 non-web based references must be cited in your analysis. Students may also choose to research an alternative trend or issue within the context of the assignment not covered in lecture.

Please check my uploaded power point slides it talks about special issues in food service management.

side note:
I communicated with my teacher via email and she said for example, milk would be a good issue to write about as it is both a considered one of the big 8 allergies and is a source of intolerance for individuals.( She said this paper is only two pages and should focus on an issue in foodservice.

Also I could focus on the aspect of honoring religious food choices in a school or clinical setting. ( paper should focus on an issue in foodsercive).

If you don’t know what to write or what to pick please email me and I’ll send your picked topic to my instructor to see if she approves it or not.

We have a turnitin web at our school and I need to submit this via turnitin. So please make sure its a paper solely written for me.If not they will expel me from the university.

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