Posted: May 18th, 2015

Topic: The effectiveness of Abbey pain scale



The abstract should include the following headings:

Introduction, Objectives, Review Methods, Results/Discussion, Conclusion [250 words]

Keywords: A maximum of 10. Should include ‘literature review’ and other MeSH headings appropriate for review


Include background and rationale, importance of the topic, and international or local relevance of topic.

Review Method

Include review topic/objectives/questions/): for example, ‘The aim of the literature review was to…’.

Include: search strategy/ inclusion/exclusion criteria, databases searched, keywords, languages and inclusive dates of the literature searched

Include a description of approaches used for critical appraisal process. If quality appraisal was not undertaken provide a convincing and robust explanation, and in the limitations section outline the potential impact on the credibility of the review findings.


Summarise each of the selected research papers [selected recent and high quality research papers relevant to the review question] and describe the following:

– What was the stated research problem/ or purpose of the study

– What was the population group? (ie: who was involved in the study)

– What was the intervention? (if applicable)

– What was the research methodology?  (i.e. randomised controlled study),

– Where ethical issues addressed? (if info available)

– How was data collected and analysed

– What were the main findings?

– Based upon the findings, what are the implications for nursing practice?


A randomized controlled trial was conducted to investigate if antenatal exercise interventions reduced gestational weight gain in overweight and obese women [11]. The trial involved 82 women receiving antenatal care from the outpatients clinic in the Women’s Integeral Healthcare Centre in Brazil with a BMI >26, singleton pregnancy and with no significant medical history. The women were then equally randomized to either the intervention or control group with 40 women in each group [11]. The intervention group participated in a light to moderate intensity exercise program involving both group and individual regime.  The results indicated that 47% of the participants in the intervention group gained weight above the recommendations compared to 57% in the control group (p= 0.43) [11]. Gestational weight gain between the intervention and control groups were the same; however, women that were overweight and exercised gained less weight over their pregnancy (10.0 ± 1.7 kg versus 16.4 ± 3.9kg, p = 0.001) and  subsequently once entered into the trial (5.9 ± 4.3 kg versus 11.9 ± 1.5kg, p = 0.021) in comparison to the control group [11]. The trial indicated a benefit for overweight women in the intervention group experiencing a lower gestational weight gain without experiencing any adverse perinatal outcomes. There was however difficulties with obese women adhering to the prescribed antenatal exercise program. The study demonstrated that overweight or obese pregnant woman without medical complications can exercise while pregnant without experiencing any adverse perinatal outcomes [11].

Figures and Tables

Figure captions should be below the figures; table heads should appear above the tables. Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the text.


In this section, summarise what were the main issues/interventions discussed, what were the overall main findings, are there any existing gaps in knowledge or practice, was there an agreement in views or differing/contrasting view points, and what still needs to be known to improve practice for your particular research problem/question.

End with limitations and strength and generalisability/transferability of the evidence.

Discussion can be supported by relevant additional literature/reference.


This should not be a summary/repetition of the findings. Clarify the contribution of the review to existing knowledge, highlight gaps in knowledge and understanding, outline future research, report implications/recommendations for practice/research/education/management as appropriate, and consistent with the limitations.


Pain in RACF


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